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Pre-cleaning Spray Gun
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From: (United States)   Date: 4 February 2004, 15:55 [GMT]
Subject: Pre-cleaning Spray Gun

I am try to contact the manufacturer of a pre-cleaning spray gun. It's produced by Stockert. The model is Selecta.

Steve Basile, USA

From: Wim Renders (Belgium)   Date: 11 February 2004, 21:26 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Pre-cleaning Spray Gun

Dear Steve,

Sorry, but the only thing I've found that connects Stockert to "cleaning" is a Cordis-Stockert generator and a showerhead-type catheter for ablation. I presume this is not what you're looking for?

Examples of pre-cleaning sprays you can find e.g.on the Echtermann website: www.echtermann.de, product catalogue, prewash showers and cleaning spray fittings.

Good luck,
Wim Renders

From: Wim Renders (Belgium)   Date: 29 March 2004, 14:04 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Pre-cleaning Spray Gun

Dear Steve,

I've found it just now.
Stockert is a German company with affiliates in different countries.
Stockert sells the Selecta spray gun.
The adress is:

Lilienthalallee 5 - 7
D-80939 Munchen
The webadress is: www.stoeckert.de

Good luck,
Wim Renders

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EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00381 - English Version

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