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CISA Sterilisers
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From: (Malta)   Date: 16 February 2004, 15:20 [GMT]
Subject: CISA Sterilisers

Can anybody give me some information regards the CISA sterilisers. I need a contact person who has a CISA steriliser installed in his/her department.
Mario, Malta

From: (Saudi Arabia)   Date: 17 February 2004, 14:53 [GMT]
Subject: Re: CISA Sterilisers


about the cisa sterilizer i have good reference the problem of the cisa sterilizer is

  1. heater not heavy duty
  2. ask it to be changed every 6 months
  3. you have to install water treatment machine to protect the pipes

i hope this information helps u

From: Wim Renders (Belgium)   Date: 17 February 2004, 21:03 [GMT]
Subject: Re: CISA Sterilisers


You can also contact Mrs Chantal Dewever, pharmacist. The sterilization department of the hospital she works in: Kliniek Zusters van Barmhartigheid in Ronse, Belgium, is equipped with CISA sterilizers. Her phonenumber is: +32 55 23 31 08 or email:

Good luck,
Wim Renders

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