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Problems with infection control department
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From: (Saudi Arabia)   Date: 18 February 2004, 16:47 [GMT]
Subject: Problems with infection control department

i have so many problem with infection control department they are always finding the mistake of the cssd and trying to make a problem u think what is the responsibility of infection control to the cssd what they should only ask about it in the cssd. cssd should be related to them
please help me

From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 22 February 2004, 10:53 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Problems with infection control department

Dear Ahmed

I am afraid your problem can't be solved effectively without detailed knowledge of the organizational structure of your Institution. As conflicts can cause lost time, resources, and efficiency in any work team - an expert should solve them as quickly as possible.
Fact is that the role of the infection control Department is primarily to prevent healthcare associated infections, necessitating a close working relationship with the CSSD. Infection control personnel and CSSD staff must jointly be involved in the development of facility sterilization and disinfection policies and procedures. This also means the manager of CSSD should be a member of the Infection Control Committee. A perfect opportunity where problems (critics) can be addressed if there is no other direct way. If critic is justified you can demand the necessary equipment, staff, Information or education possibilities etc. in order to provide the needed quality of your products. Normally the minutes of the meetings are forwarded to the director of the Institution.
In my view one of the managers main challenges is to build up the self-esteem and respect of the co-worker within. I know this is difficult to do when other department members behave/talk, not as peers, but in a downward manner, the processes, product and even CSSD staff members.
One of the most successful ways to build self-esteem and confidence is to have Job Descriptions and related Standards Manual in place. They can be not only a useful tool for preserving self-esteem, but also an important factor in Performance Appraisals, job satisfaction and motivation for CSSD Staff-members.

Kind regards
Josy Holdener

From: (Saudi Arabia)   Date: 22 February 2004, 16:53 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Problems with infection control department

thank u very much Josy Holdener for this information and i am really happy to read this kind of advise. yes because of no written policy and procedure we are always getting problem the person who is trying to manage the work from his mind without no standards and he is not looking to improve the work because he is the thinking he is the responser only but can u help to get a policy and procedure for the cssd.

thank u again

From:    Date: 22 February 2004, 22:43 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Problems with infection control department

Dear Ahmed.

Read the Australian AS 4187, then read AAMI/ANSI ST-46 and continue to ISO 13683 and dive into this (efhss) site. You will realise the approach. Start to establish procedures and update them. A bad procedure is better than none. Then, take a decission which approach you adopt, and follow it. Always refer to Standards, Regulations, Articles and Studies. It is helpful. As more you will getting to know, it will become more interesting.

Goog luck.

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