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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Staffing & Training - Q00038
CSSD Staff Qualification
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From: (Ireland)   Date: 30 September 2000, 00:10 [GMT]
Subject: CSSD Staff Qualification

Is it really important that sterile service managers are nurses. Can people who have worked in c.s.s.d or t.s.s.u for years be better qualified than a nurse coming in new to this field.

From:    Date: 2 October 2000, 12:12 [GMT]
Subject: Re: CSSD Staff Qualification

Good day Martin & Aileen,

My personal belief is that the best Sterile Service managers are not nurses.

While nursing training is very important for patient care, and takes years to learn, the skills aquired in Nursing training are different from the skills and expertise required of a good Sterile Service manager which also takes years to learn. I am not saying that nurses cannot learn the required skills, but it does take years of experience to understand all of what goes on in a CSS department. I believe that someone working in CSS or TSSU for a couple years is potentially much better qualified to understand the working of the unit than someone with only patient care schooling. Simple things such as "What do you do in the event of a positive biological test?" are easily answered by a trained CSS technician, but will cause headaches for someone with no CSS experience. Training programs exist for Sterile Service technicians and managers, and any new hire without this training should not be in a leadership position (in my humble opinion).

To use an analogy: both carpenters and plumbers require extensive training to learn their trades, but you would not send a plumber to do a carpenter's work if the plumber has not received training in carpentry....

Thanks for letting me share my opinion,

From: (Ireland)   Date: 10 October 2000, 13:23 [GMT]
Subject: Re: CSSD Staff Qualification

It is widely known throughout Ireland that CSSD managers were traditionally qualified nurses due to the fact that most hospital operating theatres had not got separate sterilising units (indeed some still don't). With the advent of fully functional sterilising departments completely removed from the operating theatre, there also came about an understanding that the managers and staff members would consist of nursing personnel. Indeed most CSSD units in this country came about through the efforts of nursing staff, some still do. However I am of the opinion that a huge input and interest in the whole area is generated from the technician and non-nursing staff. I myself have worked in the area for many years and have seen the trend move away from nursing as it is after all a totally separate profession, both equally as important as the other. I suppose I have really upturned the whole tradition associated with CSSD management in becoming a manager myself without being a nurse. This I believe is down to experience and of course education. There is no law or rule written anywhere that states a CSSD Manager should be a nurse, you will find potential managers in every unit as it is experience coupled with a good relevant educational qualification that are the key elements required.

I do hope you pursue a career within CSSD Management and I wish you all the best.

Thank you for allowing the issue to be raised, you are not alone in feeling this way.

Best regards
Michele Tait

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