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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Quality Assurance - Q00395
Quality standards/protocol for operation theatre, ICCU, ICU, surgical ICU
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From: (United Kingdom)   Date: 2 March 2004, 16:51 [GMT]
Subject: Quality standards/protocol for operation theatre, ICCU, ICU, surgical ICU

I am a Manager in super speciality tertiary care centre which was started working from 15 Oct 2003. I am a qualified doctor as well as an administrator. Presently I am looking after operation theatre and ICCU, ICU, Surgical ICU. I am looking for references to formulate protocol for these areas. Please give detail information so that my institute deliver world standard quality care to people.

Dr Jitendra Sankhla

From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 4 March 2004, 17:30 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Quality standards/protocol for operation theatre, ICCU, ICU, surgical ICU

Hello Dr. Sankhla

As EFHSS is more specialized on Sterilization issues we can't offer you great help. But please look at the following Websites:

GOOGLE SEARCH with keyword "Staffing Requirements for the Perioperative Environment"

Keyword; "Quality Standards List for Hospitals"

Keyword; "UCL Hospitals - ICU E-grade Staff Nurse Job Description"

Other sources of help you can go to are Professional Organizations e.g. Connect;
The World of Critical Care Nursing: www.efccna.org
The National Association of Theatre Nurses: www.natn.org.uk
AORN The Association of periOperative Registered Nurses: www.aorn.org

Happy searching!
Kind regards
Josy Holdener

EFHSS  European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

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