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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Quality Assurance - Q00398
Recommendations/standards for infected instrument processing
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From: (Saudi Arabia)   Date: 10 March 2004, 17:22 [GMT]
Subject: Recommendations/standards for infected instrument processing


we are receiving every day infected instrument in yellow bag and we are loading the instrument with bag for 121c and then removing the bag for redisinfecting and packing for resterilized again to protect the staff is this way is correct because we do not have a flash cycle in our machine. if there is any recommendation or any standard for infected instrument please advise us


From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 15 March 2004, 14:17 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Recommendations/standards for infected instrument processing

Hello Ahmed

The result of the contaminated instrument in the bag, run with the 121°C sterilization cycle can't be more than backed protein incl. Microbes at/in the instrument and a false security for the personal.
As a rule, all used supplies returned to the decontamination area should be considered contaminated and should be reprocessed as such.
Prior to any reprocessing to achieve disinfection or sterility all instruments MUST be cleaned. If they are not cleaned properly, organic matter may prevent the disinfectant or steriliant from having contact with the instrument.
Physical barriers should separate the decontamination areas from the packaging and storage area.
If physical separation of decontamination and clean/sterile zone is not possible, spatial separation may be satisfactory by good workflow patterns, ventilation control and conscience work practices.
Personal working in the decontamination area should wear protective attire (plastic apron, thick rubber gloves, when splashing may occur, mask and/or face shield).

For further information see our Education site; Sterilization Basics; "Cleaning of Equipment and Material to be Sterilized", by Jan Huis
and all issue relevant "Recommendations" by the Quality Task Group

Useful guidelines for health professional at all levels are:
"Practical Guidelines for Infection Control in Health Care Facilities" with direction and information in relation to:

  • Facilities, equipment, and procedures necessary to implement standard and additional (transmission-based) precaution for control of infections
  • Cleaning, disinfecting and reprocessing of reusable equipment
  • Waste management
  • Protection of health care workers from transmissible infections
  • Infection control practices in special settings

from the WHO Headquarters: http://www.who.int
South-East Asia Regional Office: http://www.whosea.org
Western Pacific Regional Office: http://www.wpro.who.int

Kind regards
Josy Holdener

From:    Date: 15 March 2004, 15:57 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Recommendations/standards for infected instrument processing

Hi ahmed

i can tell you that generally infected instrument should be taken in decontaminating agent which should eliminate viruses (like HIV or HBV), after this handling of instrument should be quite safe for correctly protected operators, He/she should finally put it in a WD which should give disinfection against microbial agents (not viruses).

Pierfranco Mirabile

EFHSS  European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

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