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Well-being in conditioned hospital rooms
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From: (Czech Republic)   Date: 12 March 2004, 11:10 [GMT]
Subject: Well-being in conditioned hospital rooms


would somebody inform me, what are well-being conditions for patients in conditioned hospital rooms - above all temperature and humidity?

Do some binding standards exist or are there recommendations only?

Thanks in advance.
Milhem, CZ-Brno

From:    Date: 18 March 2004, 22:38 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Well-being in conditioned hospital rooms

Comfort and plesent is the point.
A patient leing in bed would prefer different ambient than the nurse (temperature, humidity, ventilation, light). Baybies, youngsters, elder or geriatrics need different conditions. The ambient in the OP differ from the dept. There are so many variants, that proffesionality and experiance must lead the decision. Always, it will be a compromise.

much luck

EFHSS  European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

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