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EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00404

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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Cleaning & Disinfection - Q00404
Desinfection of RO-water system pipes
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From: (Belgium)   Date: 18 March 2004, 11:30 [GMT]
Subject: Desinfection of RO-water system pipes

Who has experience with the desinfection of the pipes of the RO-water system?

We want to install a spare tank, how should we desinfect it before use?

Apotheker Griet Missant
VZW "Elisabeth Ziekenhuis - Heilig Hartkliniek"
p/a Elisabeth ziekenhuis
Gentse Steenweg 132
8340 Sijsele - Damme
tel 050/72 83 65
fax 050/72 80 06

From:    Date: 18 March 2004, 22:14 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Desinfection of RO-water system pipes

RO water is Mineral free Water. It is a means, meaning: If you warm it to 80C - 93C you may consider the water as part of disinfection process when using a WD.
RO Water quality is appropriate for Stainless Steel (like Autoclaves, washers, Instruments).
Mineral free water is the appropriate water quality to be used as Sterilant.
Why to disinfect the piping? Keep it clean, keep it dry when not in use. Keep the distribution system in a way that it will not affect the quality of the RO Water.

Does it make sense?

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