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Choosing CSSD equipment/suppliers
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From:    Date: 19 March 2004, 18:48 [GMT]
Subject: Choosing CSSD equipment/suppliers

Dear Colleagues,

As always problems never cease to emerge. In Malta we are in the process of installing a new CSSD. What I am concerned about is that the awarded tenderer stated that the following equipment will be installed: Miele washer disinfectors, BHT tunnel washer and Cisa sterilisers. I always believed that having equipment from same trusted company with excellent track records not only is cost effective but also more reliable in terms of efficiency.
Presently, we have Getinge washer disinfectors and Getinge sterilisers which have been operating for the last 12 years without any major faults.
We intend to have a complete tracking and computerised system connected through all the machinery for a complete audit trail. I am afraid that differnt manufacturers may find it difficult to establish an efficientcomputerised system.
Earlier on I also asked about the effciency of CISA steriliers. I was given a contact name but somehow received no answer. Could anyone please give me his / her advice on above installation? I would also like to know whether CISA are reliable or not because as far as I know they only have installations in Italy and in Greece.
I really appreciate your help which may help me alter some decision making.

Mario (Malta)

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