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Brands of CSSD equipment
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From:    Date: 20 March 2004, 03:06 [GMT]
Subject: Brands of CSSD equipment

Dear colleagues,

In Malta a new CSSD is being installed. The awarded equipment tenderers stated that as for equipment we shall have Miele washer disinfection machines, BHT tunnel washer and CISA sterilisers. My concern is that with three different manufacturers combining a complete computerised tracking system might prove difficult.
In our present CSSD we have only Getinge washer disinfection machines and sterilisers whcih after 10 years never had any major faults.
Besides, a month back I asked if anyone had any experience with CISA sterilisers as far asI know CISA only has sterilisers in Italy and Greece. I was given a contact but after two e-mails had no answers. A freind replied that you have to change the boiler every six months which dos not promise well.
I would appreciate some help as to make a good decision.

Mario (Malta)

From: Walter Accoe (Belgium)   Date: 8 April 2004, 10:49 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Brands of CSSD equipment

Dear Mario,

I'm happy to hear that after 10 years your Getinge equipment is working very well. That's another proof that a good technical service is of major importance. In my CSSD we have 5 Getinge sterilizers from 1989 and with a yearly technical maintenace we don't have major problems except a minor problem from time to time, what we can say is normal.
We also have Cisa sterilizers: 1 small sterilizer (1996) in the operation theatre, the first time we had to call technicla assistance was after 4 years of heavy use (more than 10 cycles a day by a lot of different users). That sterilizer has been moved 4 times during the last 5 years and still works without problems.
In the laboratory of microbiology we have 2 big Cisa sterilizers (4 years and 3 years) and no problems.
For a computerized tracebility system it doesn't matter what brand your equipment is. Your provider must be able to connect all recent sterilizers and washer/disinfectors.

Best regards,
Walter Accoe

EFHSS  European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

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