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World CS meeting in London in 2005
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From: (United States)   Date: 31 March 2004, 19:11 [GMT]
Subject: World CS meeting in London in 2005

I am looking for information on a World CS meeting to be held in London some time in 2005. Is their a web page or address where I can find information. If possible please email directly.

Thank you and Remember
Always Keep it Clean
Stephen M. Kovach
Director of Education
Healthmark Industries


From: Wim Renders (Belgium)   Date: 1 April 2004, 08:08 [GMT]
Subject: Re: World CS meeting in London in 2005

Dear Steve,

Information on this conference you can find on our conferences and congresses page, conferences 2005, Dsc 2005, Decontamination science conference.

Best regards,
Wim Renders

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EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00412 - English Version

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