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EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00042

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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Steam Sterilization - Q00042
European Standards for Autoclave Temperature Logging
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From: (New Zealand)   Date: 20 November 2000, 10:17 [GMT]
Subject: European Standards for Autoclave Temperature Logging

What do the European Standards say about autoclave temperature logging? Is it important to provide independant verification of chamber temperature? Also does pressure need to be monitored or will temperature surfice?

John Butler

From: (United Kingdom)   Date: 29 November 2000, 19:11 [GMT]
Subject: Re: European Standards for Autoclave Temperature Logging


EN 285 (Large Sterilizers) says in clause 6.1.2. (Instruments) that a sterilizer for porous loads should include at least the following instruments:

  • sterilizer chamber temperature indicating instrument
  • sterilizer chamber temperature recorder
  • sterilizer chamber pressure indicating instrument
  • sterilizer chamber pressure recorder
  • steam pressure gauge - if dedicates steam generator is fitted.

In an accompanying diagram it illustrates how the temperature sensors can or cannot be combined. The sensores for the temperature indicator can be combined but the control sensor must be independent.

In the UK it is usual to specify a microprocessor control system with an alphanumeric printout of time, chamber temperature and chamber pressure. An independent recorder, with sensors totally indpepndent of the control system, will record chambet temperature and pressure. It is auumed that pressure is monitored in order to confirm proper air-removal but the air detector (or alternative) will do this. The pressure trace can be used as a diagnostic tool in the event of failure etc.

I hope this answers your question.

Best wishes from the UK

Peter Hooper

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