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EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00442

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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Miscellaneous - Q00442
Wearing of theatre caps in CSSD area
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From: (Malta)   Date: 1 May 2004, 16:04 [GMT]
Subject: Wearing of theatre caps in CSSD area


can anyone help me in that I insist that staff working inside TSSU/CSSD should wear appropriate theatre caps at all times inside the whole complex to reduce the risk of loose hair finding its way inside sterile packs. Most of the staff are reluctant to wear these caps so I would like to confirm the neccessity to continue such practice.

Thank you

From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 2 May 2004, 20:23 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Wearing of theatre caps in CSSD area

Dear Stephen

Protective clothing should be worn to protect from contact with blood and body fluids. And yes, you are right; hair cover have also to be worn to avoid contributing to the bioburden, hair and dandruff on articles during their preparation for sterilization or subsequent storage.
National and International Standards and Recommendationss state: All CSSD personnel in all areas should wear head covering.
People disregard practices and recommended standards for many reasons. Often open lines of communication help. Find the reason why the head cover isn't worn. Let them choose a chic hear cover from a collection them selves. A style which is comfortable, confines the hair, but is made of a fabric which does not permit hair strands to protrude through it, is desirable.
Educate your personnel about the importance of wearing protective attire incl.caps e.g. airborne microbes can collect in the hair, especially Staphylococcus aureus (explain the danger of MRS). Awake their responsability for self-protection and the protection of others (family). Get educational help from the Infection Control Department. Let your people know that propper clothing is a part of the CSSD Quality Assurance Program.

I hope this is of some help to you.
Josy Holdner

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