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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Spacial Requirements - Q00445
To set a C.S.S.D unit
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From: (Malaysia)   Date: 4 May 2004, 05:05 [GMT]
Subject: To set a C.S.S.D unit

I must submit a working paper on the 'How to set up a C.S.S.D unitcomplete with staffing requirements' Please help me - I am a nursing sister.

From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 4 May 2004, 16:38 [GMT]
Subject: Re: To set a C.S.S.D unit


take a look at Hermann Miller's "Central Supply, Graphic Standards/Programming and Schematic Design" at:
or just search with the keyword "Graphic Standards: Central Supply".

I hope this is if some help!
Josy Holdener

From:    Date: 4 May 2004, 20:52 [GMT]
Subject: Re: To set a C.S.S.D unit

Dear Cynthia

look at "Health Building Note 13 - Sterile Service department" and at "HTM 2010-part 1 - Management policy". They meet the British approach. Both will be helpful.


EFHSS  European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

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