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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Testing - Q00448
EN 455-3
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From: (Turkey)   Date: 5 May 2004, 12:26 [GMT]
Subject: EN 455-3

Dear Madam/Sir,

We would be most pleased if you could inform us about the testing procedure followed for Latex Examination Gloves regarding to the EN 455-3 Standards.

As far as I know the EN 455-3 standard does not specify a certain limit.

TSE (Turkish governing body responsible for import permition for examination gloves) is demanding Skin Irritation and Skin Sensitization Tests to be made on the goods to be imported regarding to the EN 455-3.

Could you please inform us about the permition procedure followed by the European Countries customs?

With best regards,


Tel: 90_312_2152261
Fax: 90_312_2231314

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