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CSSD history
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From:    Date: 10 May 2004, 08:27 [GMT]
Subject: CSSD history

I am researching CSSD history, when, where, how did CSSD begin? Equipment design, pictures of old sterilizers, washers, etc, department design and set up. Could you suggest written material or internet sites to visit?
Thank you for your assistance.

From: (United Kingdom)   Date: 12 May 2004, 11:34 [GMT]
Subject: Re: CSSD history


The CSSD was a British invention. After an understanding of the limitations of procedures of the time and the progress made towards high vacuum terilizers, the first NHS CSSD was set up in 1958 at Musgrave Park Hospital in Northern Ireland. The second appeared at Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge in 1960. Although they were a great step forward at the time we might today describe the equipment especially as a little crude. Progress has been ,ade since then and continues to be made in improvising CSSD design etc. There are surprisingly few images of these early departments available in the public domain. It may be possible to obtain early text books (most of which are out of print) - Perkin's "Principles and methods of sterilization in Health Sciences" would be a good place to start. It is a US textbook but diagrams may be representative. A new book by Ayliffe and English, "Hospital Infection, from miasmas to MRSA" has some indicative photographs in a historical perspective but your search may be difficult.

Let me know if there are any specific questions you may have.

Peter Hooper, UK

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