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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Testing - Q00047
Challenge Test for Steam Sterilization
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From: (Israel)   Date: 10 December 2000, 20:55 [GMT]
Subject: Challenge Test for Steam Sterilization

I would like to know everything you know about "chalange Test" for steam sterilization? How can I decide how to constract the chalange Pack? Is their a ready made package? Will you give me examples of chalange Package used in your institute?

Thank You,
Nava Teitler - Infection Control Nurse H-Emek Hospital Israel

From: (United Kingdom)   Date: 18 December 2000, 16:37 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Challenge Test for Steam Sterilization


there are a number of ways that you can "challenge" a steam sterilizer. It depends upon the standards/guidelines that you are working to as well as the type of steam sterilizer. For gravity (ie unwrapped) sterilizers the test loads are either a small load consisting of a single instrument or a full load of the maximum number of instruments that the chamber is designed to take. For a porous-load sterilizer the test loads are either a small pack of cotton sheetsor a full load of cotton including a small pack - see EN 285. This standard also specifies test loads where the sterilizer is used to process metal or rubber loads.In each case thermocouples can be placed in the test items. Performance qualification can also be carried out with thermocouples in particular load items or loading configurations if these are outside the spectrum of the test loads defined above.

Daily Bowie and Dick tests are to be done with the small cotton sheet test pack incorporating a suitable chemical indicator sheet. However, most people will use an alternative BD test pack which complies with BS 7720 or will comply with EN 867 - 4 when published. There are a number of acceptable products on the market from reputable companies supplying indicators.

Hope this answers your question

Peter Hooper, UK

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EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00047 - English Version

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