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How to discard 12/88 % mixture of CFC & ETO
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From: (Kuwait)   Date: 26 May 2004, 15:16 [GMT]
Subject: How to discard 12/88 % mixture of CFC & ETO

Dear Sir,

With reference to the above subject matter pls advice how can we dispose the 12/88 % mixture of CFC and ETO cyclinder as we no longer use this type of ETO sterilizers any more. The installation still exists and we need some advice as to how we can discard the cyclinders.

Thanks and regards,

From: (Israel)   Date: 26 May 2004, 16:16 [GMT]
Subject: Re: How to discard 12/88 % mixture of CFC & ETO

This is from the MSDS of ETO:

"WASTE MANAGEMENT/DISPOSAL: When disposed, ethylene oxide is a RCRA hazardous waste with waste code U115 (Commercial chemical product - listed for toxicity and ignitability). Waste ethylene oxide may be incinerated in an approved hazardous waste incinerator or can be biologically treated in an approved facility. DO NOT INCINERATE ANY ETHYLENE OXIDE CONTAINERS. Ethylene oxide is banned from land disposal. Dispose of waste materials in accordance with all applicable Federal, State and local laws and regulations."

I suggest that you send the cylinders to the distributer - they will treat it in a proper way.

hope it helps,
Yaffa Raz

From: (United States)   Date: 28 May 2004, 16:21 [GMT]
Subject: Re: How to discard 12/88 % mixture of CFC & ETO

Your first choice should be to give the cylinder back to the supplier. If that is not possible, you have to call a professional waste disposal company to handle it. The 12% EtO is toxic, and an air pollutant. Then there is the 88% CFC component. CFCs cannot be released to atmosphere as per the Montreal Protocol. In addition, you cannot incinerate CFCs as you will produce highly toxic halogen compounds. While you are waiting to dispose of the cylinder, make sure it is kept upright and in a cool dry area with good ventilation.

Paul Sordellini

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EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00475 - English Version

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