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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Cleaning & Disinfection - Q00497
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From:    Date: 6 June 2004, 19:13 [GMT]
Subject: Question

1) i would like to know how many times i should receive instruments from ward and opd in a day? also what will be the minimum time duration to issue the same items to the dept?

if user department (ward and opd) are responsable to clean the instrument as early as possible immediately after use how they should clean the items? they should keep the instruments until cssd is open next morning? (if that used at night). if so how they should keep it?

thanking you

sudip kumar saha

From: (Israel)   Date: 9 June 2004, 09:38 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Question

Minimum required time for reprocessing instruments set is three hours. If CSSD cannot receive instruments immediately after use, instruments should be either wiped with distilled water or sprayed with enzymatic solution. Some ORs have a washer-disinfector or an ultrasonic washer, which are used for cleaning surgical sets.

Yaffa Raz

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