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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Staffing & Training - Q00004
Training Programmes for Sterile Service Managers
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From: (Ireland)   Date: 16 August 1999, 10:28 [GMT]
Subject: Training Programmes for Sterile Service Managers

Training Programmes for Sterile Service Managers

Dear Colleagues,

I am looking for some information regarding training programmes for Sterile Service Managers as distinct from operatives or technicans. You may be are aware of some research that has been carried out in this area,if so i would be grateful if you could share it with me. I am presently reading for a M.SC. in Health services Management at Trinity College Dublin. I have chosen the subject of Education in Sterile Services Management for my thesis. It is proving quite difficult to access any literature to review on this specific field, so any help you can give will be of use. The question that needs to be answered is

  • "Are Nurses qualified to manage Sterile Services-Are there gaps in the system"


  • "Is a Clinical background necessary to Manage Sterile Services--Gaps in the Education needs of this group"

If any research has been done i would like to review the results as part of a comparative analysis, i have collected a sizable amount of information through my research here in Ireland on the subject and would be willing to share it when i have done up my report. I hope someone outthere has some material which i can use otherwise i am in trouble.

Thank You
Maureen D'Arcy
Tallaght Hospital Dublin Ireland

From: (United States)   Date: 20 August 1999, 00:53 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Training Programmes for Sterile Service Managers

In the United States one of our professional organizations should be able to help you. They have a program for managers. In fact the homepage is a link on this web page. They are (IAHCSMM) the International Association of Healthcare Central Service Material Management, email them to get more information on the topic. The next place to try is another group that offers a test for Managers and they might be able to help you, there home page is also linked to the web page. They are (NICHSPDP), National Institute for the Certification of Healthcare Sterile Processing and Distribution Personnel. They also should have information on this subject.

Hope this helps.

From: (United Kingdom)   Date: 27 August 1999, 08:53 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Training Programmes for Sterile Service Managers

Dear Maureen

Browne Education offer non-promotional courses (in the UK) specifically for Sterile Supply managers. It became apparent to us that due to the specialised skills & knowledge required by sterile services, there was a need for specifically designed educational programmes. The courses cover Principles of safe decontamination, Device care & Terminal sterilization, European & National Standards and Legislation. I have mailed you further information on these courses, which, as you will see are quite in depth and cover all aspects of SS in great detail. You may be able to compare the content of these courses with the subjects covered in Nursing qualifications and then assess the degree of fit.

As far as we are aware, there are no minimum educational requirements (in the UK) for a position of SSD manager. there do seem to be a few commercially driven courses in the UK but we do stress that the Browne Education courses are entirley non-promotional. We are also in the process of developing a 2 week module which will be affiliated to a UK University and will therefore be a recognised qualification.

I wish you well in you studies and if we can help in any way, please do contact us.

Vanessa Neal
A.Browne Ltd. UK

From: (Sweden)   Date: 1 September 1999, 14:02 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Training Programmes for Sterile Service Managers

Dear Maureen

"Are nurses qualified....?" I certainly hope they are. In Sweden a majority, if not all, of the central service managers are nurses. Since a few years now, we have an educational program for managers and other personnel at Sterile Supply units. On the Swedish page you find more information about this.

Gunilla Prejer

From: (United Kingdom)   Date: 1 September 2000, 10:37 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Training Programmes for Sterile Service Managers

The ISSM run a training scheme for ssd managers so try them


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