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From: (Saudi Arabia)   Date: 12 June 2004, 08:16 [GMT]
Subject: standardization

Dear Sirs,
Kindly advice, what standardization we need for surgical suture manufacturing company and which are the suitable sterilization methods for all types of surgical sutures, thank you.

From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 13 June 2004, 12:47 [GMT]
Subject: Re: standardization

Dear Yomna

Try the website for the medical device industry: www.devicelink.com. The site provides information and collaborative opportunities for people who design and manufacture medical devices.
For suture sterilization methods see on our site what "Ethicon Europe" on Q00457 says.

Kind regards
Josy Holdener

From: (United States)   Date: 18 June 2004, 20:37 [GMT]
Subject: Re: standardization


You should contact the appropriate government agency in each country where you intend to sell/use the sutures. Different countries may have different requirements for the packaging and sterilization methods.

Paul J. Sordellini

EFHSS  European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

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