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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Staffing & Training - Q00527
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From: (Ireland)   Date: 28 June 2004, 17:38 [GMT]
Subject: Cleanrooms

Can anybody point me in the right direction to find out about the training of our staff to clean in a 'cleanroom' environment? Ideally the courses would take place in Ireland or the UK, but any information relating to European courses would also be welcome.

From: (Netherlands)   Date: 29 June 2004, 08:03 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Cleanrooms

Dear Lisa,

In The Netherlands we have a group of people active in this field and they do give trainings on regular base. They might be able to help you.

De Mulderij 12
Postbus 311
3830 AJ Leusden

033 - 434 57 65
033 - 432 15 81 (fax)

Kind regards,
Henk Ras
Sanamij B.V.


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