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EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00528

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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Miscellaneous - Q00528
Blood Bags Sterilization
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From:    Date: 29 June 2004, 09:08 [GMT]
Subject: Blood Bags Sterilization

Dear Sir,

I would like to know list of companies or manufacturers performing pasteurization to their PVC bags "blood bags" and their contacts if possible.

Empty PVC bags needs to be filled with anticoagulant "CPDA-1" and preservative solution "SAGM" inorder to preserve blood componants during storage of blood. In my previous question i asked about the best methods for sterilization and pasteurization so i need to know more details about these empty PVC bags with the anticoagulant and preservative solution i mentioned earlier.

Thanks you in anticipation.
Dr. Riad

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