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Working in New Zealand
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From:    Date: 1 July 2004, 11:41 [GMT]
Subject: Working in New Zealand

I am interested in working in sterile services in New Zealand. Can anyone supply infomation on this or give links to hospital websites in New Zealand who may have details of such jobs.

Many Thanks
Nicholas Richardson

From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 1 July 2004, 14:42 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Working in New Zealand

Hi Nicholas

why don't you contact the two colleagues from New Zealand who posted such nice greetings in our Guestbook? Look for Lyn Craven (April 2002) and Margaret Bridge (February 2004)

Good luck

From: (New Zealand)   Date: 8 July 2004, 02:55 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Working in New Zealand

Look on this website for information about jobs available at Waitemata District Health Board in Auckland New Zealand:
www.jobpulse.co.nz/waitemata (select Waitakere Hospital)


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