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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Cleaning & Disinfection - Q00530
Contacttime / worktime of a disinfectant in combination with Chlorhexidine
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From: (Netherlands)   Date: 1 July 2004, 11:46 [GMT]
Subject: Contacttime / worktime of a disinfectant in combination with Chlorhexidine

Dear All,

I got a question concerning the Contacttime / worktime of a disinfectant in combination with Chlorhexidine.

In the dutch healthcare the hygienist and the WIP (workgroup for infection prevention) say that a disinfectant (hands) in combination with Chlorhexidine has a contacttime of 6 hours. I'm looking for studies concerning this subject.

We are selling a disinfection with Ethanol, who is much more effective than Chlorhexidine, but this product has a contacttime of 3 hours concerning the standard NEN-EN 12791.

Can someone help me with this subject?

With kind regards,

EFHSS  European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

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