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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Cleaning & Disinfection - Q00534
How to best sterilize or disinfect a metal surgery instrument
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From:    Date: 3 July 2004, 15:41 [GMT]
Subject: How to best sterilize or disinfect a metal surgery instrument

this is for a microbiology question and i dont know the answer because i am not familiar with surgery equipment and how to sterilize or disinfect it no more than using a autoclave thanks

From:    Date: 4 July 2004, 12:01 [GMT]
Subject: Re: How to best sterilize or disinfect a metal surgery instrument

All metal surgical instruments should be cleaned and disinfected in a Washer / Disinfector maintained and tested to your countries relevant standards.
(in UK HTM 2030 / 2031).

They should then be subjected to thorough inspection before being sterilized in an Autoclave / High Vacuum Sterilizer, this is the most common method of sterilisation used in the UK. This must be done again in machine maintained and tested to your countries relevant standards (in UK HTM 2010).

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