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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Steam Sterilization - Q00537
Air detector for porous loads
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From: (United Kingdom)   Date: 6 July 2004, 14:33 [GMT]
Subject: Air detector for porous loads

Question Q00532 was on a "Air detector for porous loads". Please can I get clearity is this total different from the Bowie and Dick test such as the disposables, commercial re-usable BDT-types? My knowledge on using BDT is to detect air removal from pourous loads as part of a daily monitoring validation system.

Thank you

From: miki   Date: 6 July 2004, 21:06 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Air detector for porous loads


BD indicator verify visually the effectiveness of air removal - interpeting: the effectieness of steam penetration. Nothing else. It will not detect small air leaks and non condensable gases. It is used where the steam quality will not harm the instruments and autoclave.
Air detector test is most sensitive to detect very small leaks, and it will detect NCG (like the disolved gases in the water) in the chamber space. It is used where the steam quality consider contact with human tissue.
Daily, in the very morning, BDT and later a correct PCD are part of the routine control (not validation).
If this is your documented procedure - you can sleep well.


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