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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Steam Sterilization - Q00549
maintenance of steam sterilizer
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From: (Singapore)   Date: 23 July 2004, 13:55 [GMT]
Subject: maintenance of steam sterilizer

To: The Person-In-Charge,

I will like to find out more on the preventive maintenance of a steam sterilizer? I know that it had to go through weekly checks by the engineer, to ensure good functioning status. But what else do I have,to look out for beside the above I had mentioned. If you have any good website which I can look out, for more information then please provide me. Thanks a lot!

Yours Sincerely,

From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 24 July 2004, 08:38 [GMT]
Subject: Re: maintenance of steam sterilizer

Dear Joey

You should carry out the manufacturer's recommended routine maintenance tasks specified in the user instructions manual.If you don't have one, ask the manufacturer of your sterilizer to provide you one in order to determine the exact procedures to be used - as they differ slightly according to make and model of the sterilizer. Generally daily maintenance of steam sterilizer's includes the cleaning/inspection of door gaskets, chart pens, chamber drain screens, internal/external surfaces,and the loading cart.
This means the person -in-charge checks that:

  • Chamber floor is free of debris
  • Chamber drain filter is clear
  • Recording device is functioning correctly
  • The door gasket is undamaged
  • Loading cart and external surfaces are damp dusted (daily)
  • Loading cart and internal walls are cleaned using detergent having a pH 4-5.5 (weekly)

Best regards
Josy Holdener

From: miki   Date: 24 July 2004, 19:38 [GMT]
Subject: Re: maintenance of steam sterilizer

The sterilizer looks simple, but is a complicated and sophisticated machine. Steam, water, sewage, electricity, electronics, software, mechanics, environment and personell are involved and interfaced.
This machine, when not used as it should be, may, or will create hazards: Micro-biologic and explosive. These are the reasons that this device is regulated. (MD Directive and PE Directive.)
It does need attention and maintenance. The user contribute the daily care, technical authorised person must serve it, 3rd parties must test its safety.
That's why you must follow the manufacturers instructions, local lows, rules or regulations, and of course Good Practice.


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