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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Testing - Q00550
Bowie Dick test
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From: (Singapore)   Date: 24 July 2004, 10:13 [GMT]
Subject: Bowie Dick test

Instead of carrying out the Bowie dick test daily can it be done once a week/month, if an Air detector system is installed in the steriliser.

From: miki   Date: 24 July 2004, 16:15 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Bowie Dick test

What do we have and what we don't concerning Air Detector:

  1. EN 285:1996 mention the AD.
  2. EN 867-4:2001 mention the existance of the AD.
  3. Both are not appropriate for the user.
  4. EN 554:1994 is 8 yers old and does not recognize the AD process.
  5. DIN 58946-6:2000 is the most appropriate one because it guides how to use the EN285 and it was issued lately. But, it does not enable the option of an AD.

This is my personal opinion:

  1. BD is an Indicator (CI). AD (Air Detector) is a controlled process.
  2. BD is intended to detect residual air as to prove for an efficiant steam penetration. AD is intended to detect also NCG (Non Condensable Gases).
  3. BD accept / reject decision is subjective (human being). AD is objective. (Control system).
  4. AD is very (maybe to much) sensitive and "another complicated system", thus an expensive unit that needs attention, maintenance and validation.

Did it help you to decide?

From: (Australia)   Date: 25 August 2004, 06:59 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Bowie Dick test


You need to understand that a Bowie Dick test is a stand alone test and its main function is to challenge the steriliser's ability to effect air removal and steam penetration in an empty chamber. The empty chamber creates an enormous challenge as any non condensable gases or air entering the chamber, particularly in the come up time or pre-heat phase will be taken up by the Bowie Dick test.
On the other hand, an air detector reacts to sensors located around the chamber and can only respond to conditions in the chamber free space and are therefore only of value when sterilising a load. It is also important to realise that an air detector cannot give information as to what is taking place inside the packs inside the steriliser as they are unable to replicate those conditions.
Both the air detector and the Bowie Dick test perform different functions in terms of monitoring and, on start up at the commencement of each days operations, you should conduct a Bowie and Dick test before you start to process the days requirements
The Bowie Dick test is not a test for sterility and a failure could lead to other potential problems in the sterilising system.
So do a Bowie Dick test every day!
Trust is good, Control is better!!!

Kind regards
Bill Davis
gke Australia

From: (United Kingdom)   Date: 26 August 2004, 15:03 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Bowie Dick test


The moral of this story is never trust what a machine is telling you that's why we have to rely also on independent validation such as the Bowie Dick test. It is important to continually challenge the parameters of the decontamination process through quality control and so doing a Bowie Dick test each morning before the start of the working day will leave you with the confidence to carry on!

From: miki   Date: 26 August 2004, 20:52 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Bowie Dick test


No daubt that BD Test is an effective means to assure the properiarity of the Autoclave.

A "Mercedes" and a scooter will take you from one point to the other, but Mercedes will do it safer, faster, with pleasure etc.

Air detector is expensive. Very. Top league! Certainty of SAL is higher. For the long run, hospitals doing comprehensive costs of operations see the benefits. Otherwise, they would not invest in such devices.

Is the Air detector "over quality" feature? do we need such a performance?


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