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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Cleaning & Disinfection - Q00553
What are the common types of microorgansisms sampled in cssd/cspd...
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From: (United States)   Date: 29 July 2004, 08:33 [GMT]
Subject: What are the common types of microorgansisms sampled in cssd/cspd...

What are the common types of microorgansisms sampled in cssd/cspd in decontamination area and has there been any reports of epizootic of nosocomial infections from the source?
How often a decontamination area needs to be cleaned? any specific type of protiens one need to watch out for?
Any other input about this subject is welcome.

From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 1 August 2004, 16:50 [GMT]
Subject: Re: What are the common types of microorgansisms sampled in cssd/cspd...

Dear Devaiah

Neither can I provide you a list of common types of microorganisms "hanging around" in the decontamination area nor a standardized cleaning policy.
Meaningful standards for permissible levels of microbial contamination of the envirnoment of CSSD do not exist. Nosocomial infection rates have never been associated with documented surfaces colony counts on cultures of environment surfaces where good hygiene standards exists. This means CSD'S have to follow strict and diligent cleaning/disinfecting guidelines (developed by individual CSD'S) encompassing e.g. wet mopping or wet vacuuming of floors with an approved germicide at least once a day or more if necessary. Walls, ceilings, windows, vents and filters are cleaned two or three times a year (some do it monthly). There are written procedures for cleaning and disinfecting work surfaces, shelves, and equipment used in the specific CSD areas.Dedicated cleaning equipment is provided for the use in the decontamination area only.
The cleaning responibility in CSD is often divided. Usually housekeeping is responsible for cleaning ceilings, walls, floors, vents and windows. CSSD personnel are cleaning work surfaces, shelves and equipment.
I am not aware of any report on epizootic nosocomial infection (CJD) contaminated by environmetal sources in CSSD.
All in all I guess the situation over here (CSD cleaning) is much the same as in the USA.

Best regards
Josy Holdener

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EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00553 - English Version

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