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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Cleaning & Disinfection - Q00568
Cleaning very thin canulae, in the field of Othorrinolaringology
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From: (Portugal)   Date: 11 August 2004, 16:47 [GMT]
Subject: Cleaning very thin canulae, in the field of Othorrinolaringology

Any body have some experience in the cleaning of very thin reusable canulae, used in the field of internal ear surgery?

Please send the information and experience you have, because to me it is a great problem with the chronically obstruction of the canulea.

Best regards

M. Valente

From: (Israel)   Date: 12 August 2004, 08:29 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Cleaning very thin canulae, in the field of Othorrinolaringology

Dear Manuel,
These cannulas do represent a problem. The cannula should be flushed, immediately after use by the OR nurse, with distilled water. (A syringe will be useful for this purpose). In CSSD the cannula should be flushed with distilled water and enzymatic cleaner, before it is processed in a washer -disinfector.

I hope it helps,
Yaffa Raz

From: (Belgium)   Date: 12 August 2004, 09:24 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Cleaning very thin canulae, in the field of Othorrinolaringology

in addition to the remarks of Mr Raz we put them also in an ultrasonic cleaning bath containing an enzymtic solution.
but the most important act is the immediat cleaning by the OR nurse.
Once the pus is drying in the canulea, one can start "tunneldigging" in the canulla"

From: (uk)   Date: 14 September 2004, 11:03 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Cleaning very thin canulae, in the field of Othorrinolaringology

The solution to all these troubles seems to be disposable fine steel suctions. These fine surgical suctions offer the best guarantee to be clean and are more friendly use in terms of hergonomy.

Single Use Surgical Ltd is an English company that converted more than 140 hospitals in 15 months from reusable and single use suctions to its wide range (more than 30 types) of single use fine suction tubes.

EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Answer to Question Q00568 - English Version

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