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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Packaging - Q00572
Internal indicator (strip)
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From: (Philippines)   Date: 16 August 2004, 23:22 [GMT]
Subject: Internal indicator (strip)

do anybody can explain which better .internal indicator for every peel pounch or no internal indicator because we base on the peel pounch build in indicator.

From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 18 August 2004, 11:12 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Internal indicator (strip)

Dear Franklin

Chemical Indicators have different functions. Indicator on the outside of the package/peel pouch, indicates that processing has reached the outside of the package but do not give you any information on the contents of the package. The only purpose of the external process indicator is to differentiate between processed and non-processed items.
The internal Indicator let you and the user know that the steriliant of the sterilization process penetrated into the package and contacted the medical item.
For that reason, indicators should be found on the inside and outside of the package and should be examined prior to presentation to the sterile field to ensure that processing did occur.
AORN Standrds, Recommended Practices, and Guidelines states,
"A process indicator should be used in each package. If the internal indicator is visible through the peel pouch, an external indicator is not necessary; however, an internal indicator always should be used."

Kind regards
Josy Holdener

From: (Belgium)   Date: 21 September 2004, 21:03 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Internal indicator (strip)


The paper of Peter Newson: "Sterilization Process Monitoring, 'In-Pack' versus 'Load' control" will certainly interest you.
You can find it on our Education pages under: EFHSS Conference 2004 Izmir/Cesme, Turkey.

Best regards,
Wim Renders

EFHSS  European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

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