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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Steam Sterilization - Q00573
Wetness of laminated pouch after autoclaving
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From: (Philippines)   Date: 17 August 2004, 00:03 [GMT]
Subject: Wetness of laminated pouch after autoclaving

Three laminated pouches of different brands were used and steam autoclaved together. Level of wetness & moisture inside the packs varies among the three. Which one is the best as a packaging material for steam autoclaving assuming no punctures were noted among the three.

From: miki   Date: 18 August 2004, 08:39 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Wetness of laminated pouch after autoclaving


Sterilization is an interface of: Goods (to be sterilized), Packaging, Autoclave and the User. Complicate!
Follow the process: Study, Development, Validation.
You must assure repeatability of the process by challenging the cycle.
Wishing you sucssess.


From: (Belgium)   Date: 2 September 2004, 22:51 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Wetness of laminated pouch after autoclaving

Dear Marvin

Anything wet should be considered "Non Sterile"

First you have to find out why you have humidity.

Shortly we will be able to provide you with a reprint booklet "Wet Loads an Avoidable Problem" written by the deceased JACK Van ASTEN and the undersigned.

Please let me have your address so we can send you a copy by post.

Kindest regards,

Tim Galekop

Ahlstrom FiberComposites

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