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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Steam Sterilization - Q00574
Disposable surgical cloth best sterilization method
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From: (Mexico)   Date: 17 August 2004, 02:32 [GMT]
Subject: Disposable surgical cloth best sterilization method

To whom it may concern:

My name is Rodolfo HIGAREDA, I am the adquisitions director of ISSSTE, which is one of the top public Health and Pension Systems in Mexico. I have been ordered to buy Disposable Surgical Cloth for our 1,300 hospital network nationwide. Therefore I would would like to ask EFHSS' experts if you know of any international norms or standards on sterilization methods for such goods. Furthermore, I would like to know whether you have any information regarding the differences between the use of EtO vs Gamma Radiation systems in sterilyzing disposable hospital cloth.

Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. Cordialy yours,

From: (Belgium)   Date: 17 August 2004, 15:05 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Disposable surgical cloth best sterilization method

The answer wil be short.
Disposable is disposable.
If your direction want that it will be washed, they have taken the wrong descision...

From: (Turkey)   Date: 18 August 2004, 13:42 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Disposable surgical cloth best sterilization method

The answer is actually not the "right method" but the capacity/volume of the material you are going to supply from one manufacturer, if it is that so.

The EtO is widely used by disposable surgical wear and patient drapes and is considered to be the easiest and most cost-conscious method. On the other hand Gamma is far quicker but beware - the manufacturer MAY NOT be able to use gamma radiation sterilisation for some types of nonwovens (namely sms, spunbond etc) as it destructs the molecular bonds in synthetic blends.

Not because of the sterilisation method but because of the nature of the raw materials used in disposable cloths, you definitely can not resterilise after use.

Of my 12 years of experience in this drape and gowns business as a manufacturer, I would go for EtO.

Sincerely yours,

Ali Tan Serbetci
Stemed Ltd

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