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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Steam Sterilization - Q00577
Lastest, most stringent steam cycle, "French 30"?
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From: (United States)   Date: 19 August 2004, 00:42 [GMT]
Subject: Lastest, most stringent steam cycle, "French 30"?

I'm new to this forum.
What is the most stringent steam cycle used in European hospitals today?
Has anybody used the "French 30" cycle? Apparently, it is a high temperature steam cycle that is similar to a Pre-Vac steam sterilization cycle. But, we are having difficulty finding any documentation/literature on it... Can someone that is familiar with it tell us more or point us in the direction where we can find literature on it??
Please help. Thank you.

From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 19 August 2004, 14:04 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Lastest, most stringent steam cycle, "French 30"?

Dear Mehul

In Switzerland instrument processing is regulated by a federal regulation, which cam into force 1 January 2003 and is binding for Swiss hospitals. The national recommendations states:
Reusable instruments must be sterilized in general at 134° C with a hold time of 18 minutes with saturated steam.
Reference: C. Ruef: National Recommandations for Instrument Processing in Switzerland. Zentralsterilisation; International Journal of Sterile Supply, 2004 April Vol. 12, page30-33.

Kind regards
Josy Holdener

From: (Belgium)   Date: 20 August 2004, 09:19 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Lastest, most stringent steam cycle, "French 30"?

there is the english version of french site called in french: "agence française de securité sanitaire des produits de santé" meaning ...french agency for health security of health products... or some thing like that.
it covers medication, blood products, health products and cosmetics

you can reach this site at: http://agmed.sante.gouv.fr/ang/indang.htm
http://www.afssaps.sante.fr and clic english version

I think you will find interesting things there

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