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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Cleaning & Disinfection - Q00057
Cleaning reusable instruments
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From: Stuart Joseph   Date: 6 March 2001, 11:37 [GMT]
Subject: Cleaning reusable instruments

Dear Sir/Madam

Could someone please provide me with information on the following:

  1. What chemicals are recommended to clean reusable ophthalmic devices made of titanium and stainless steel?
  2. Should a lubricant be used on these prior to sterilisation in an autoclave?
  3. Is there a (UK) document that highlights a standard set of parameters for sterilising in an autoclave (similar to the 25Kgy for irradition)? If so where could I obtain the information within it? If not what are the standard temps/times/pressures etc. for steam autoclave?

Any assistance that could be provided will be appreciated.

From: (United Kingdom)   Date: 7 March 2001, 18:32 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Cleaning reusable instruments


I can answer question three. The document you want is HTM 2010, Sterilization. It is available from the Stationery Office. Let me know if you want the ISBN numbers (it comes in 5 volumes). It includes acceptable parameters for steam sterilization which will include 134-137/3 min. The document will include in Pt 3 the requirements for testing and validation.

The manufacturer of the devices will be able to provide instructions for decontamination, including cleaning and sterilization. HTM 2030, Washer-disinfectors, reminds us that lubrication should not take place during washing but should be restricted to application in the clean production area or, preferably, an inspection room prior to entry into the clean production area.

Hope this is helpful

Peter Hooper

EFHSS  European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

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