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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Cleaning & Disinfection - Q00580
Peracetic acid material compatibility
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From: (Singapore)   Date: 20 August 2004, 11:25 [GMT]
Subject: Peracetic acid material compatibility


I'm evaluating the use of peracetic acid/H2O2 for surface disinfection. I have tried to search for material compatibility data without success. Can anyone point me to a reference please?

Thank you.
Hock Kim

From: (United States)   Date: 16 September 2004, 18:45 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Peracetic acid material compatibility

Peracteic acid is normally used with a Steris System One machine. This machine is designed to be used as a "just in time" sterilizer. Peracetic acid is quite caustic if it is not roperly diluted. There are several ready mixed surface disinfectants that are available and a lot safer to handle. Those options would be a lot more cost effective and user friendly.
Good luck!

EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Answer to Question Q00580 - English Version

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