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Working as Sterile Services Manager in Australia, New Zealand or U.S.A.
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From:    Date: 27 March 2001, 07:18 [GMT]
Subject: Working as Sterile Services Manager in Australia, New Zealand or U.S.A.

I would welcome any advice colleagues may have with regards working as a Sterile Services Manager in either Australia, New Zealand or the U.S.A. - Details of qualifications required, salary guide etc. Any information greatly appreciated. Best wishes to you all.

Paul Hughes,
Head of Sterile Services,
Bro Morgannwg NHS Trust.

From: (New Zealand)   Date: 4 April 2001, 03:20 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Working as Sterile Services Manager in Australia, New Zealand or U.S.A.

Hi Paul

I work as a Team Leader for Training and Quality in New Zealand and for this position you have to have the "Sterile Technicians Certificate" this is a course that is done in NZ. To be a manager you would have to also have completed the certificate. Some hospitals will go on experience as well if you do not have the certificate.
The wages here are not that good in the Hospitals. Managers range from about 30k to 40k per year depending on the hospital.

If I can be of any more help just e-mail me at

Judy Hatton

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EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00060 - English Version

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