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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Quality Assurance - Q00601
cssd location
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From: (Saudi Arabia)   Date: 11 September 2004, 22:44 [GMT]
Subject: cssd location

in our hospital cssd is too close to the hospital laundry is this acceptable?

From: (Israel)   Date: 14 September 2004, 08:58 [GMT]
Subject: Re: cssd location

Dear Ahmed,

There is no reference about the proximity of CSSD to laundry or other facilities in a hospital

Yaffa Raz

From: miki   Date: 16 September 2004, 12:51 [GMT]
Subject: Re: cssd location

Ahalan Ahmed.

Common sence is the name of the game.
The only probable problem I observe is that textile fiber will clog the air filter, will accumulate and soil the autoclave components, and worst of all, will be sucked by the cooling fan into the electronic control unit.
If the environment in your CSSD is controlled, (the room is at a higher pressure than its neighbouring rooms) this problem is eliminated.


From:    Date: 6 October 2004, 10:27 [GMT]
Subject: Re: cssd location

Dear Ahmad

Your question is very important which is in other way; where is the best location of CSSD inside the Hospital?
To answer you, i would like to ask you one question? Do you have TSSU at the hospital, or not?
In general CSSD when there are no TSSU must be as close as possible to the Operating rooms, highly prefered if it could be under the opertaing theter where the dirty corredor of OT is connected to Dirt Zone of the CSSD & The Sterile Corredor at OT is connected to Sterile Area.
The second Important issue in selecting CSSD Area is the internal design concerning Material Flow, Air Flow, Staff Flow, ...those some thing to be well studied.
Finally is the connection with Laundary, if it is possible to be close it is good but if it is not possible then no big problem, just give priority for other factors

Best Regards
CISA s.r.l.-Middle East
Regional Manager

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