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Layout in CSSD and building
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From: (Greece)   Date: 21 September 2004, 13:23 [GMT]
Subject: Layout in CSSD and building

I have seen all related questions and answers, but i still like to know if there is a norm in Europe that covers the matter, and gives adequate answers for the planning of CSSD like, air exchange, volume of sterilizers in accordance with beds and OPs, area for CSSD, percentage of area for dirty, clean and sterilized side.

Thank you in advance


From: (United Kingdom)   Date: 22 September 2004, 13:04 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Layout in CSSD and building


As I have said in my answer to question Q00556 try to get hold of the British Standard HBN 13. You will go a long way to find such a detailed document on the layout of a CSSD. It will answer the questions you have asked.

If you log onto the NHS Estates website at www.nhsestates.gov.uk go to the Decontamination link and click on Latest News you will get the information on how to obtain a copy of HBN 13. It has just recently been updated and is also accompanied by a Capacity Planning Tool to allow you to predict your needs.

From: Miki   Date: 29 September 2004, 21:29 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Layout in CSSD and building

HTM 2010 is, in addition to HBN13 is excelent, but take also the American AAMI/ANSI ST-46 to learn a lot.

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