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EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00612

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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Testing - Q00612
Temperature/time/pressure monitoring of Bench Top Autoclaves
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From: (New Zealand)   Date: 23 September 2004, 06:08 [GMT]
Subject: Temperature/time/pressure monitoring of Bench Top Autoclaves

We import, distribute and service a range of benchtop autoclaves. As part of our program we service and validate the total range of these autoclaves. The chart recorder we currently use with thermocouples is nearing the end of it's life and I would like to know what equipment European hospitals and service centres use for validation and if there are any specific brand(s) of chart recorders or dataloggers that are specifically dedicated to European or UK standards for validation of autoclaves.

From: (Netherlands)   Date: 4 October 2004, 16:17 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Temperature/time/pressure monitoring of Bench Top Autoclaves

Mr. Alan Day,

We would like to introduce to you our QDAS validation system which you can use for all the measurements you mentioned. It consist of both hard- and software to perfom technical measurements,OQ, IQ and PQ measurements. Because we are an independent Validation Company we can also backup you in quality assurance in relation to your validations. The software of our QDAS is developed to enable us to remotely perform evaluation and assesment of the validation data. Assesment of data can be done in accordance with UK, European or other standards and norms. The system it self complies of course with the applicable norms.
The size of the complete system is very small which is especially important in case of benchtop sterilizers which are often in use in smaller pratices.
Please note that we will be present and give lectures at the SRACA State Conference in Canberra NSW Australia on october 15 and 16.

Ing. J.J.J. Patijn
KW2 Measurements, Inspections and Validations

Telefoon: +33 450 88 38, Fax: +33 450 88 40
Website: www.kw2.nl

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