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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Testing - Q00615
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From: Natali   Date: 24 September 2004, 20:14 [GMT]
Subject: 3M ETS

Does anyone have any comments on the electronic test system of 3M? its benefits? is it user friendly? what are its added values to a CSSD department

From: Peter S   Date: 28 September 2004, 20:15 [GMT]
Subject: Re: 3M ETS

We have done tests and still are doing them...... It tells you a few things more that the standard B&D test but do we need to know more???

From: Natali   Date: 29 September 2004, 13:33 [GMT]
Subject: Re: 3M ETS

Dear Peter,

Of course we should know more, remember that there's a data you are receiving and analyzing to predetect technical problems of the sterilizer.
How long have you been using it? and how often do you test?

From: Peter S   Date: 29 September 2004, 18:11 [GMT]
Subject: Re: 3M ETS

Dear Natali,
We have tested this for thee weeks everyday. After validating our steriliser, we teste the ETS in a B&D test run (our validation showed a correct cycle, standard B&D TST 3M showed pass cycle) and the ETS showed a fail cycle ???? After asking why this, we were told that the ETS is preset to do the B&D accord to the EN standard. Our steriliser does the B&D test at 1min 134°c, the EN states 3,30 min. Why can't we accept the cycle time of 1 min when the validation and standard B&D TST shows us a pass???? Meaning we have to adapt the sterilser to the ETS because it measures a fixed time of 3,30min????? This is not the correct way! If the validation and standard B&D TST show both a pass then I don't see why we should change the time to 3,30 (loss of time )a standard time on a cycle is 4min for a 134°c, 15min for a 121°c, 1min on B&D. Meaning we can gain time on the cycle time without being scared of not sterilising (is't this what we all want?). The next problem is that the measuring device in the ETS has to be 3 X better than the measuring device of the steriliser (accuracy) So you see there are a few points who are pro & some who are contra. We are now back to the standard B&D TST test.
Hope I was some help.
kind and friendly regards
Hope I was of help

From: Jason   Date: 6 October 2004, 08:50 [GMT]
Subject: Re: 3M ETS

Hi Natali

As a engineer who uses 3M ETS every day and have done for 3 years now i find it one of the best product on the market for Bowie dick testing.(Remember it's not for quarterly testing) It's easy to use and ive got all the staff in the department using it, they to find it great for learning about the sterilizer and what is going on. And remember the information 3M gives is totally independent from what the machine is telling you. We also burn the years information on to a CD and its so much easyer to store than all that paper work. Ive used all the other B/D testers and ive found 3M to be the best. If you can use a PC then you can use ETS.


From: Michael   Date: 7 October 2004, 10:58 [GMT]
Subject: Re: 3M ETS

The ETS is the only electronic B&D test and of course have advantages and disavantages....
As peter said, the biggest problem is to have compatibility between the product and the steriliser. In some autoclaves, you need to modify the cycles parameters to be compatible with the ETS measurement system. In the other hand, the test report is much more accurate than a simple chemical indicator ink that react easily to high temperature without any information on the saturation of steam and sometimes air leak failures....
The question is: "do we need to invest so much money in the steam penetration test? Knowing that most of the time, this cycle is different than the one we use with the loads, it should be more representative to run a vacuum test every morning.

EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Answer to Question Q00615 - English Version

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