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Sterilization of Cloth Gowns
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From: (United States)   Date: 27 September 2004, 16:14 [GMT]
Subject: Sterilization of Cloth Gowns

I would like to find out the recommended practice for sterilization of cloth surgeon's gowns (fluid resistant). e.g. proper steam temperature and time frame for sterilization.

From: (United Kingdom)   Date: 8 October 2004, 15:52 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Sterilization of Cloth Gowns

In the U.K the standard time for porous load sterilization is 134C for 3.5 minutes +3 degrees - 0 degrees. As long as the material will withstand this temperature and is correctly folded (some fabrics require specific folding to ensure steam penetration) the product will be sterilized. Life of the sterile product is event not time related and will depend on many issues

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EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00616 - English Version

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