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EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00623

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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Testing - Q00623
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From: Jason (United Kingdom)   Date: 5 October 2004, 08:53 [GMT]
Subject: 3M ETS

Hi Natali
As a engineer who uses 3M ETS every day and have done for 3 years now i find it one of the best product on the market for Bowie dick testing.(Remember it's not for quarterly testing) It's easy to use and ive got all the staff in the department using it, they to find it great for learning about the sterilizer and what is going on. And remember the information 3M gives is totally independent from what the machine is telling you. We also burn the years information on to a CD and its so much easyer to store than all that paper work. Ive used all the other B/D testers and ive found 3M to be the best. If you can use a PC then you can use ETS.

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