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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Cleaning & Disinfection - Q00062
Cleaning Agents
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From: Stuart Joseph   Date: 3 April 2001, 15:13 [GMT]
Subject: Cleaning Agents

Could some one please recommend some Cleaning Agents in GENERIC or BRAND NAMED terms, that are suitable for use on:

  1. Stainless Steel reusable instruments,
  2. Titanium reusable instruments?

The chemicals needed are to be used in:

  1. An Ultrasonic Cleaner,
  2. A Washer / Disinfector.

The chemicals would need to be widely available and have been proved suitable for cleaning these instruments, (for example used without any problems over a long period of time).

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Stuart Joseph

From: (Germany)   Date: 2 May 2001, 07:34 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Cleaning Agents

I can recommand either neodisher medizym or neodisher mediclean as liquid detergents for use in ultrasonic baths and washer disinfectors for stainless steel instruments and titanium instruments.
You can also visit our homepage www.drweigert.de for more detailed informations.

Dr.Jurgen Staffeldt
Chemische Fabrik DR.WEIGERT
Anwendungstechnik neodisher
Muhlenhagen 85
D-20539 Hamburg
Tel: (49) 40/789 60-165
Fax: (49) 40/789 60-123

From: (Belgium)   Date: 3 May 2001, 06:04 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Cleaning Agents

Maybe you should take a look at the site of Dr. Weigert factory in Hamburg. I am sure they can easily solve your problem. www.drweigert.de


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