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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Staffing & Training - Q00630
Training modules for technical sterilization assistants
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From: (United Kingdom)   Date: 8 October 2004, 18:36 [GMT]
Subject: Training modules for technical sterilization assistants

To Josy Holdener, could you please send me details of the training programme.
2 Queend Drive, Brinsley Nottingham NG16 5DF

From: Wim Renders (Belgium)   Date: 9 October 2004, 11:00 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Training modules for technical sterilization assistants

Dear Lorraine,

The education programme we use in Flandres can also be helpful.
We organise our courses - a basic one and a deepened training - in cooperation with a school. The school takes care of all practical aspects and provides all teachers on general themes. The association provides the lecturers on all sterilization subjects. For details about these courses please see either of the following documents:

If you need more information feel free to .

EFHSS Education Working Group is preparing at the moment a consensus model with the minimal training requirements. This should be available next year.

Enjoy your weekend,

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