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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Spacial Requirements - Q00632
Sterilization of sharpening 'stone'
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From: (Saudi Arabia)   Date: 10 October 2004, 12:40 [GMT]
Subject: Sterilization of sharpening 'stone'

I have been asked by an ENT consultant to sterilize a stone to be used for sharpening instruments in the operating theatre during a surgical procedure (rhinoplasty). This stone is approx 20cm long and 5cm deep.I stated my concerns re;

  1. Powder/debris from the stone in the atmosphere around the surgical site and field
  2. Residue dust left on the sterile instrument (foreign body in patient)
  3. Actual sterility of 'stone'
  4. Damage to the instrument

The consultant tells me that this was a common practice where he worked in Germany. The stone was included in the set of instruments.

I would be grateful for any advice on this matter. If the stone can indeed the sterilized, what is the method of sterilization.

Many thanks


From: (Israel)   Date: 10 October 2004, 13:54 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Sterilization of sharpening 'stone'

There are hones that are intended for use in surgical theatre. (for example: Storz N1690-12 or N1690-13) If you use a hone, which is manufactured by a medical/surgical instrument manufacturer, the hone will be sterilized according to manufacturer’s recommendation. (in the above mentioned example: steam sterilization)
I hope it helps to answer a part of your question.
Yaffa Raz

EFHSS  European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

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