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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Quality Assurance - Q00635
Latex content in toners in photocopier
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From: (New Zealand)   Date: 12 October 2004, 21:19 [GMT]
Subject: Latex content in toners in photocopier

After a little research we have discovered that the ink toner in the photocopier has a small latex content. We put checklists in all our sets so we photocopy a large amount of these. My Question is what effect could this have on latex intolerant patients should the ink touch the instruments inside the sets.

From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 16 October 2004, 09:48 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Latex content in toners in photocopier

Dear Linda

You raise an interesting question. Although the decision - does the small latex content in the toner ink effect high sensitive patients is an issue only your health/safety department can make. An alternative might be to use a laser printer (not without asking if there are rubber components coming into contact with the sheet).
Another question is, where to place the checklist that it can't touch any items coming in contact with the patient. There is no standard so I asked several CSSD Manager where they place the count sheet. The united answers are:
Trays - between the inner and outer packaging paper, written side towards the outer paper.
Containers, above the top drape/felt sheet, written side towards the lid.
The answer to the question "could the count sheet hinder the penetration of the sterilization agent" is No. Normal copy paper is much lighter and more porous than packaging paper. But, do test it yourself with chemical indicators under the checklist.

Best wishes
Josy Holdener

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