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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Testing - Q00064
Helix Test
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From: (Netherlands)   Date: 10 April 2001, 07:19 [GMT]
Subject: Helix Test

Are there any parties out there who have experience in using the helix test as a batch to batch test in combination with the once a day Bowie & Dick test or alternative for the Bowie & Dick test? I am particular interested to know whether faults show up in one of the tests, but not in the other.

Adrie de Bruijn

From: Wim Renders (Belgium)   Date: 2 July 2002, 18:17 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Helix Test

Dear Adrie,

I think that the article: "Air removal from porous and hollow goods using different steam sterilization processes" by Jorn Gomann, Dr Kaiser and Dr Menzell can provide you with usefull information. You find it on the GKE website: www.gke-mbh.de under publications, publications by GKE, air removal.

Best regards,
Wim Renders

EFHSS  European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

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