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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Quality Assurance - Q00065
Report Writing
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From:    Date: 13 April 2001, 01:10 [GMT]
Subject: Report Writing


My name is balyee I am a manger of cssd, I need help with benchmarking and monthly and yearly report, Are there any parties out there who have experience on writing reports, my report should have include what? Please I need an example from your report, and what is the patient day for cssd, how can I get information regarding this issues, I am running small department, we do OR instrument and clinics. Do you have any idea?
Please if you are willing to help send me e-mail

thank you very much

From:    Date: 14 April 2001, 03:24 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Report Writing

Hi Balyee,

I would advise that you discuss the content of your reports immediately with the person who receives your report. Find out what they want from your report. I learned the hard way that you should only cover areas required by the person requesting the report. I decided on my own to include things such as the total number of sterilizer cycles run, the number of OR cases, and a multitude of other items in my reports to my supervisor. I later discovered that this information was ignored by my supervisor when they wrote reports to their own supervisor. About the only section of my reports that was used by my supervisor was my 'Unusual Events & Concerns' section. This section was my way of recapping and documenting issues I discussed with my supervisor over the previous month.
As a CSS manager, I believe the data I gathered is mandatory for the effective management of the operation of the department, but I spent dozens of hours putting this data into my reports, and it was not needed or used by my supervisor. I wasted my time writing the data into the reports, and I wasted my supervisor's time as they had to sift through what I presented for the information they wanted.
I'd hate to see anyone else make the same mistakes I made and spend valuable time putting unwanted information into reports.

If you want benchmark employee productivity & complaint ratio, quality of instrument sets, Decontamination area safety, sterilization controls, Ordering & Inventory, and/or Assembly of Case Carts, send me an e-mail. These files are too large to post here.
Anthony Periera (one of my Senior/Lead Technologists) and I developed checklist forms for each of these areas. Although these were written to address specific issues at my institution, most of these issues are common to all CSSD departments, and the forms can be easily modified to meet your specific needs. I would advise that you choose only one problem area to benchmark first. After you become comfortable with the process, you can branch out and address more than one area at a time. Developing new checksheets for your individual benchmarking concerns becomes easy after you and your staff have a little experience with the process. The checksheets also work as a great teaching tool for the staff. When the staff know exactly what you are looking for, they want to learn the best way to do the work to get the highest possible score on their work.

Regards, Pete Bobb

From: (United States)   Date: 11 May 2001, 14:13 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Report Writing


My name is Larry Boggs. I manage a Sterile Processing department at a small hospital in the USA. I was interested in the reports/checklists you referenced on the EFHSS website. Would you be interested in sharing the these with me. I have just started developing checklists for each area in my department also.

Thanks in advance for any assistance,

Larry Boggs

From: (Ireland)   Date: 15 December 2004, 15:29 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Report Writing

hi pete,
wondering if your still at the same post,
very interested also in your reports/checklists, managing a cssd in ireland, begun an accreditation process, as you can imagion would be grateful of any help on the above,
thanking you

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